Friday, December 7, 2007

New Site Up and Running!

The new template is up! There are still a few more things I will be changing in the next couple of days. You can reach it at the same address

I have had a few emails asking about the new price list. The only price difference is on the mini shoot. It has been raised to $75. and there is a ONE person limit. We have been debating about the date to raise wedding prices. We'll keep you updated. We will either be changing them January 1st or March 1st. Either way there will be at least $400. increase.

Let me know what you think of the site. There are some great new features I'm really excited about. For one, the proofing section has changed dramatically. You no longer will be directed to another site. The new proofing section will NOT affect clients whose sessions happened before Dec. 4th.

If you are not able to get the old proofing site, drop me a line and I'll give you the link.

Have a great day.
Sorry, no photos to post today :(

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